Turning the table on Nancy Wu


August 7, 2024

Turning the table on Nancy Wu

We were pleased to have Senior Designer and Art Director Nancy Wu as a member of our 2024 Design Awards. We sat down post-judging as she shared one of her favourite project.  Find out more about this project below.

Nancy Wu shares the rebrand for West Coast LEAF. West Coast LEAF distinguishes WHAT THEY DO (transformative, structural change through law reform, legal advocacy and community engagement) and FOR WHOM (beyond only women, also includes Indigenous communities and people who experience gender-based discrimination) than WHAT THEY DON’T (not affiliated with a national women’s legal education & action fund, nor marijuana sales).


Nancy Wu

Their new logo is about rebuilding the community circle, and the different combination of parts that make everyone unique. Quartered shapes point inwards and outwards, forward and upward, all at once within the modern leaf shape. In the negative space, a butterfly dynamically emerges, suggesting a transformative impact. Modular pieces combine into a quilt-like pattern originating from the circle (a symbol of wholeness, unity, and inclusion). Meaningful as a single unit, it is multifaceted as a collaborative system for diverse communities, further expressed with fluid brand colour gradients applied in flexible, accessible ways.


Nancy Wu


West Coast LEAF enthusiastically launched their new identity in 2022. It was most rewarding how well their team, advocates and audiences warmly embraced the visual rebrand in print, social and in-person events. The creative process and spirit of collaboration was a true testament to welcoming inclusion, change, intersectionality, strength, community, transformation, cultural storytelling, and positive action together.

Senior Designer and Art Director: Nancy Wu | IG: @nancywudesign | nancywudesign.com

True gems come to life via great collaborations, congratulations Nancy!
