Newfoundland educates young people about Covid with a little help from Ray Agency
January 28, 2021
Newfoundland Agency Ray takes a CHEEKY approach to Covid messaging.
Though numbers in Newfoundland are small compared to the rest of Canada, COVID could worsen unless young adults don't start to take it more seriously. Commissioned by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Ray's campaign Covid on Your Own Terms targets young adults and aims to communicate the risks of continuing everyday rituals like grabbing a coffee or a drink with friends to them in their own language.
I DIDN’T KNOWVID is not knowing the risks and bringing home COVID, while FOMOVID means getting sick because you just couldn’t stay home out of it.
The campaign launched with a series of illustrated digital and social ads in mid-December. The campaign microsite,, and a larger digital buy including animated pre-roll ads, and digital billboards, followed shortly afterwards. The campaign also includes influencer content and posters and coasters for bars and restaurants—additional creative executions launched in early January.
We love the casual but bang-on FAQs that solve problems like mask-induced breakouts ("Yes masks are weird but they won’t make you break out if you wash them regularly. Also, if you have a zit, it can make an excellent cover-up.) and what to do if you wake up feeling like sh*t ("Stay home. If you have one or more symptoms of COVID, like a runny rose or a sore throat, call 811 and stay away from family and friends. Continue to monitor yourself and your friends. If they aren’t feeling well, don’t hang out with them.)
In the age of disinformation, straightforward messaging and clever content rules.
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