2023 Applied Arts Design Awards Gallery now online!
Truly Aspirational!
June 1, 2023
"Outstanding!" "Clean, elegant and badass." "Amazing work!" "Excellent." "This is fire!" These are just a few of the comments our 2023 Applied Arts Design Awards judges shared with us while scoring the competition. Curious to see the winning entries? Wait no more! The 2023 Applied Arts Design Awards winning entries are now live on our online gallery!
LG2, Quebec/Montreal/Toronto, Parkscape Vol 3, mulitple awards winner.
We take great pride in being able to present the fruits of creative labour and to celebrate those who have worked to let their artistic endeavours shine. Be it work that propelled personal growth or emboldened a brand, work from an established design firm or from a small boutique design studio, you will find something to be inspired and likely moved by in our online gallery.
DDB Canada, Edmonton, AB, client: RGD DesignThinkers, multiple winning entry in the Young Blood category.
In regards to our judging process - the judges are divided into groups, each viewing and scoring a different and random group of entries over one round of judging. Each judge views the entries via our secure online judging system without consulting each other. The judges assign one score to each entry based on creative merit, technical excellence and suitability for end use in the category it was submitted to. Each entry is judged independently on its own merit and not by rank or comparison to other entries in the same category.
There is no predetermined quota of winners. For instance, should a category have no entries above the cut-off score, that category is simply eliminated and in categories with many entries above the cut-off score, they are all declared winners. The winners are not ranked (i.e.: gold, silver, etc.); every entry above the cut-off score is given equal exposure as a winner.
Six Cinquième, Montreal, QC, client: New Room, winning in the Small Business category.
The 2023 Design Awards winners will be published in the Summer issue, mailing to subscribers or single-copy orders in July. The issue will be choked full of inspiration with the 2023 Photography & Illustration Awards winners. For non-subscribers, the Annual will be available at select newsstands by August, or order your copy now for delivery in July. If you don’t want to wait, scroll through our 2023 Design Winners Gallery now.
Our gratitude also goes out to our award sponsors VISTEK; our association partners CAPIC, Design Professionals of Canada (DesCan) and RGD; and our print and paper partner Mi5 Print & Digital Communications for their support.