2014 Student Awards Winners Announced
July 7, 2014

Matteo Capaldi's winning image from our 2013 Student Awards
Our dedicated Student Awards judges had their work cut out for them this year! In 2014, we saw a big jump in the number of entries and entrants than in previous years.
Students from 18 countries participated this year, more than double from last year. We're so excited to see the Student Awards becoming a truly international competition! There are so many talented youth out there and we love being able to show off some of their work.
Max Kaplun, a judge from web design studio Dynamo in Montreal, told us there was "some great work in there, very inspiring!"
The talented winners will get their work displayed in:
- the November/December 2014 issue of Applied Arts
- the Winners' Gallery and Archives on the AA website
- at the AACE Awards party, which will be held October 29, 2014 at Adelaide Hall in Toronto (check back here for tickets).
Just what is an AACE, you ask? The Applied Arts Creative Excellence award is given to the winner with the highest score from our judges. The AACE winners will be kept under wraps until the AACE Awards party. Not only will they receive our coveted cube award and extended coverage in an all-AACE issue of Applied Arts, published in March 2015, but they'll be celebrated all night long on October 29 at the Adelaide Hall in Toronto with plenty of food, drink and fun.
Congrats to all of the winners who are listed below:
Max Amato, Tyler School of Art
Yoshino Aoki, Concordia University
Dima Badawi, Algonquin College
Hyun Ji A.J. Bae, Art Center College of Design
Alex Bakker, Capilano University
Marco K. Baldonado, Ryerson University
Justin Bechard, Cegep de Sainte-Foy
Allysha Bendik, Conestoga College
Boris Biberdzic, UQAM
Brian Biles, Savannah College of Art and Design
Sarony Blacklock, Sheridan College
Emma Blackshaw, Ontario College of Art and Design
Jake Blakeley, York University
Chloe Blanchard, York University
Rod Bland, Langara College
Aaron Bolyos, Mohawk College
Ann Bomar, Savannah College of Art and Design
Jesse Brown, Miami Ad school
Laura Brown, Red River College
Marco Buchar, Mohawk College
Letitia Calver, George Brown College
Aaron Campbell, Capilano University
Jordan Campbell, Ryerson University
Medini Cardenas, Savannah College of Art and Design
Katie Carey, Sheridan College
Diana Castaneda, Capilano University
Rafael Castillo, Sheridan College
Felix Cha, Vancouver Film School
Chloe Chan, Rhode Island School of Design
Tiffany Chan, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Soham Chatterjee, Miami Ad School
Hong Chen, Ontario College of Art and Design
Randy Cheng, Seneca College
Bonnie Cheung, Ontario College of Art and Design
Jonathan Chiang, University of British Columbia
Freda Chiu, University of Technology Sydney
Sung Hyun Cho, Savannah College of Art and Design
Ben Coles, George Brown College
Branche Coverdale, Rhode Island School Of Design
Marc-Andre Cright, Dawson College
Holly Curran, Mohawk College
Bridget Currie, Tyler School of Art
Joyce Dang, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Steven Darden, Savannah College of Art and Design
Kirby Darland, San Diego Portfolio Studio
Maria Jose De Zulueta, Seneca College
Jackie Dejewski, Humber College
Cole Derochie, Vancouver Film School
Victoria Di Valerio, Dawson College
Anna Dittmann, Savannah College of Art and Design
Laura Domnar, Sheridan College
Steven Donegani, Algonquin College
Scott Dutertre, Vancouver Film School
Karol Dybalski, Seneca College
Kristin Easler, Savannah College of Art and Design
Sarah Eldershaw, Ontario College of Art and Design
Carlos Frade, Savannah College of Art and Design
Antonio Fragoso, Miami Ad School Mexico
Haley Friesen, Ryerson University
Francisco Garcia, Miami Ad School
Hoda Gharai, Ontario College of Art and Design
Sarah Gilis, Vancouver Film School
Sarah Gillis, Vancouver Film School
Lou Girardo, Guru Digital Arts College
Bryce Gladfelter, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia
Sarah Angeli Gonzales, Alberta College of Art + Design
Kevin Gonzalez, Mohawk College
Leonardo Gonzalez, Mohawk College
Sowmya Gottumukkala, Savannah College of Art and Design
Angela Granados, Miami Ad School South Beach
Sebastian Guerrero, Vancouver Film School
Caroline Guindon, Algonquin College
Stephanie Hammond, Humber College School of Media Studies
Zak Hannah, Conestoga College
Cory Hansen, Mohawk College
Rumi Hara, Savannah College of Art and Design
Sang Hee Lee, Ontario College of Art and Design
Matt Higgins, Savannah College of Art and Design
Wilson Ho, George Brown College
Samuel Hoffe, Alberta College of Art + Design
Hyejin June Hong, School of Visual Arts
Jasu Hu, Maryland Institute College of Art
Jessica Hurrell, Savannah College of Art and Design
Sabrina Hypolite, Savannah College of Art and Design
Korneliusz Izbinski, George Brown College
Sara J. J. Winston, Columbia College Chicago
Narges JafariI, Savannah College of Art and Design
Breanne Jansen, Vancouver Film School
Sam Jiang, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Jade Johnson, Savannah College of Art and Design
David Jones, Tyler School of Art
Jessica Keller, Savannah College of Art and Design
Karen Keung, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Shahan Keuork, Seneca College
Vo Dang Khoa, Concordia University
Daon Kim, School of Visual Arts
Kelsey King, Savannah College of Art and Design
Dave Knox, Mohawk College
Thomas Kucy, Alberta College of Art + Design
Brendan Lambourne, College of The North Atlantic
Shayna Lauer, York University
Matthew Leadbeater, Alberta College of Art + Design
Nora Leca, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Nini Lee, Alberta College of Art + Design
So Woon Lee, Savannah College of Art and Design
Yunkyoung Lee, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Delmar Leitch, Seneca College
Jessica Leung, Sheridan College
Shannon Leung, Capilano University
Annabelle Li, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Cornelia Li, Ontario College of Art and Design
Jean Liang, Sheridan College
Michelle Lim, Capilano University
Jiayu Liu, Royal College of Art
Julia Llanos, Vancouver Film School
Javier Lloret, University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz
Nicholas Lomboy, Tyler School of Art
Miruna Macri, Miami Ad School New York
Ehsan Mahdizadeh, Langara College
Cecilia Martinez, Vancouver Film School
Cesar Martínez, Vancouver Film School
Ali Martini, Syracuse University
Kyle Matthews, York University
Brendan McAuliffe, Tyler School of Art
Pattapong Mekavarakul, Savannah College of Art and Design
Janine Merkl, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Kelsey Merkle, Sheridan College
Sarah Minor, George Brown College
Gabriel Mitchell, Algonquin College
Giuseppe Morcinelli, Sheridan College
Michelle Morean, Alberta College of Art + Design
Craig Moscony, Tyler School of Art
Kathy Mueller, Tyler School of Art
Nneka Myers, Sheridan College
Alice Mary Nakiwala, Niagara College
Josh Naughton, San Diego Portfolio Studio
Chris Newton, Glasgow Clyde College
Emily Nixon, Mohawk College
Cordelia Norris, Savannah College of Art and Design
Brittney Noseworthy, Seneca college
Justin Nowak, Tyler School of Art
Kyungmin Oh, Vancouver Film School
Chuchen Pan, Sheridan College
Sara Panchaud, Conestoga College
Rachel Teresa Park, Alberta College of Art + Design
Maria Pazmino, Savannah College of Art and Design
Emily Pedriks, IDEA Capilano University
Marie-Andree Pelletier-Cyr, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Mila Pestova, Alberta College of Art + Design
Marianne Plaisance, Dawson College
Denise Plauche, Savannah College of Art and Design - Atlanta
Amy Pon, Alberta College of Art + Design
Macarena Poo, Vancouver Film School
Alejandra Porta, Vancouver Film School
Baolin Qiang, Vancouver Film School
Daniel Quintero, Vancouver Film School
Ryan Rader, Sheridan College
Osman Rahmani, Mohawk College
Mustaali Raj, Capilano University
Maxwell Rasche, Miami Ad School
Lynette Rios, San Diego Portfolio Studio
Justine Rudnicki, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Ayushi Saria, Miami Ad School
Bryan Satalino, Tyler School of Art
Thanat Sattavorn, Vancouver Film School
Liz Schaeffer, Tyler School of Art
Jodi Schulz, Vanarts
Esme Shapiro, Rhode Island School Of Design
Hammad Sharief, Miami Ad School
Jeesoo Shim, Sheridan College
JK Shin, Vancouver Film School
Cassie Slack, Algonquin College
Jesse Smith, Mohawk College
Michael Strasky, Alberta College of Art + Design
Silvia Stroie, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Bill Sun, Vancouver Film School
Dola Sun, Savannah College of Art and Design
Stephanie Tan, George Brown College
Smriti Tandon, Miami Ad School
Elara Tanguy, Savannah College of Art and Design
Adrian Taylor, Alberta College of Art + Design
Dylan Thompson, Sheridan College
Margaret Thompson, Dawson College
Carson Tofin, Alberta College of Art + Design
Adrienne Tollas, Alberta College of Art + Design
Mei Tong, York University
Justin Towart, Savannah College of Art and Design
Nguyen Tran, Savannah College of Art and Design
Cecilia Uhr, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Kyle Vandekleut, Vancouver Film School
Sandy Vazan, Sheridan College
Marsha Venkatarangam, Humber College
Yen Vy Vo, Dawson College
Adam Wade, Vancouver Film School
Shawn Walton, Mohawk College
Lyndsay Wasko, Alberta College of Art + Design
Bryan Webb, Selkirk C ollege
Eric Williamson, Mohawk College
Brandon Wilson, Alberta College of Art + Design
Greg Wilson, Savannah College of Art and Design
Matthew Wolferstan, Capilano University
Angel Wong, Langara College
Jocelyn Wong, Capilano University
Kenneth Wong, Miami Ad School
Ouxiang Wu, Sungkyunkwan University
Yuhan Wu, Sheridan College
Xiaohua Yang, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Regina Ying, Sheridan College
Lucas Young, York/Sheridan Program in Design
Marie Yuan, Alberta College of Art + Design
Shi Yun Zeng, Sheridan College
Simin Zhang, Seneca college
Rene Zimny, Savannah College of Art and Design